Selected works

Sunspot area series

A cross-calibrated and homogeneous record of total daily sunspot areas, both projected and corrected, covering the period between 1874 and 2019. 

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Decayless kink waves

Evidence of flare-induced, large-amplitude, decay-less transverse oscillations is presented. A system of multi-thermal coronal loops exhibit decayless transverse oscilla-tions after a flare erupts nearby one of the loop footpoints.


Chromospheric jets

First unambiguous signatures of dynamic fibrils (DFs) in coronal EUV data using high-resolution images from the Solar Orbiter. These EUV DFs could not be identified unambiguously before beca-use of a lack of spatial resolution.


Coronal jets

An observational study of the plasma dynamics at the base of a solar coronal jet, using high resolution EUV imaging data taken by EUI/Solar Orbiter. Multiple plasmoids are seen to propagate along the jet base.

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Loop morphology

Analysis of coronal loop morphology (such as its shape) and dynamics (such as oscillations) from two vantage points. Results highlight many important aspects about coronal loops, including the validity of their description in-terms of the so-called 'coronal veil' hypothesis. 

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Decayless kink waves

Study of decayless kink waves in active region coronal loops. our results suggest that none of the commonly suspected sources proposed to drive decayless oscillations in active-region loops seem to be operating here, and therefore the search for that elusive wave driver needs to continue.

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