Data & Animations
Calibrated sunspot area & PSI (Photometric Sunspot Index) data
Calibrated sunspot area & PSI (Photometric Sunspot Index) data

Sunspot area series from Kodaikanal Solar Observatory
Sunspot area series from Kodaikanal Solar Observatory


Propagating EUV blobs aka campfires.

Zooming into a coronal hole to examine a long-lived EUV jet.

First ever unambiguous signatures of EUV dynamic fibrils.

Decayless Kink Oscillations with highest resolution EUV data.

Reflection of slow-MHD waves in hot (10 MK) coronal loops.

From flows to plasmoids. Anatomy of a coronal hole jet

Butterfly diagram and sunspot area series; 1874-2020.

Simulation of slow-MHD waves in a coronal loop.